Understanding where to start with digital marketing.

it’s an overwhelming space for companies that are unfamiliar with it and can often seem scary to take a stab at but at the same time so simple in it’s purest form. with the sudden lockdown accelerating the speed of digital in south africa, companies had to quickly gear up to transform in the digital arena. they were forced to quickly adapt or bear the risk of falling off the wagon.so where do you start? well most companies flocked to facebook, instagram and google to build awareness online. the common issue is they struggle to create suitable and relevant content for these platforms.

the first place a brand should start with is a strategy – your digital marketing strategy outlines the objectives you aim to achieve and how you should achieve them. within the strategy you also need to uncover which platforms are suitable to achieve your goals – each platform differs and has it’s own purpose which you need to align your goals to – ensuring you’re optimizing the platform to it’s full potential.

once you’ve jotted down your strategy and selected the platforms that you want to use then you need to craft content. creating content is an art and science, together. your content needs to be relevant, eye-catching, and native enough so that users do not feel bombarded by ads in a space where they go to “chill”.

now that you have your content strategy down, you need to ensure that your visual language is designed in such a way that users can easily relate to. it’s like having a logo, you need to ensure you build equity in it so that you can establish brand recognition.

well, it seems that at this stage you’ve got most of it covered but you’re not out of the woods yet. ad spend or media spend is the actual spend that you essentially pay for air time on the platforms however you need to build your campaign using the tools provided by these platforms so understanding your target audience, the algorithm, and your budget you need to optimally mix these to achieve success.

lastly, after the campaign has ended you need to look at the report and gain insights from the data. you will be able to make more informed decisions by understanding what the consumers want. this ultimately allows you to better create content that they relate to.

don’t be fooled by the simplicity of this flow though – there is a ton of nitty gritty details in-between that helps you evolve your digital presence, but we won’t get into that now.

for all intents and purposes, that’s a typically flow as to how you start with digital marketing. i’ve noticed that smaller companies (especially those that do their own digital marketing) struggle to find their way around this. hopefully this can assist you with heading in the right direction or alternatively we will happily assist you with a wide array of digital marketing services – no business is too small nor too big, we can tailor our packages to suit your needs.

ciao clickers,

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